WCRP VAMOS/CORDEX Workshop on Latin-America and Caribbean
CORDEX LAC: Phase I - South America

A partnership between CLIVAR/VAMOS and CORDEX

11th-13th September 2013, Lima, Perú


Contact information

The local organizing committee is integrated by:

Lodging Information


Miraflores is recognized as a tourist-friendly district of Lima. Its history can be traced from the oldest remains found in the archaeological site of Huaca Pucllana, ceremonial center of the Lima Culture (200-700 AD) to modern times. It has modern shopping malls, clubs and restaurants offering specialties of national and international cuisine. Furthermore information, we invite you to visit the next Websites:

Recommended Hotels

The Logistic Committee of the CORDEX meeting recommends that our participants lodge at The Señorial Hotel (http://www.senorial.com/) located at José Gonzáles 567, Miraflores district (near Larco Avenue, between blocks 10 and 11). The special rates per night for the workshop is S/. 150.80 nuevos soles, equivalent to approximately US$55. Breakfast buffet, wifi access and taxes are included. Please take note that availability of rooms guaranteed from September 7 to 17. Also, the hotel has a restaurant and bar.

For reservations at Señorial Hotel, we request the participants to send us an email as soon as possible to: cordexperu@gmail.com with the following information:

There are others hotels in Miraflores where participants can stay (no special rate). For instance, we can recommend:

In order to book rooms at any of these alternatives hotels, we suggest contact directly them as soon as possible.

The map below shows the Señorial Hotel (red) and other places of interest.

Ver Larger map


Both the VAMOS Panel and the CORDEX workshop will be held at the Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP, Geophysical Institute of Peru, www.igp.gob.pe), located approximately 17 km to the northeast of the hotels in Miraflores, near the foothills of the Andes. The address is Calle Badajoz 169, Urb. Mayorazgo IV Etapa, Ate.

The trip between Miraflores and IGP takes between 25 minutes and 1 hour, due to traffic depending on time of day.

The map below shows the location of IGP (green) relative to Miraflores:

See larger map

Money Exchange

The national currency of Peru is the Nuevo Sol (S /.), and the currently money exchange is around S/.2.8 per US dollar and S/.3.8 per euro. Although in many large shops, hotels and restaurants you can pay with dollars, you should have soles for payment of small purchases, taxis, etc. Credit cards can also be used, although they are not guaranteed to always work.

You can exchange currency in exchange modules in Jorge Chavez International Airport, in banks and in "Casas de cambio" on Larco Avenue in Miraflores. Avoid informal currency exchange on public roads.


Transport airport to hotel

Jorge Chávez International Airport (Lima) is located 16 km (10 miles) to the northwest of Lima. Hotels are located in Miraflores and the best option is reach them by taxi. Many taxis are available at the airport but we recommended to our participants use the services of Taxi Green which has a small desk located outside the arrivals hall behind the car rental booths. Rates are posted beside this desk. The journey takes about 40 minutes and the cost is approximately 35-50 Soles (maximum 20 dollars); most taxis accept both Nuevos Soles and US dollars. This will depend if you take a taxi or a van.

Transport from/to the hotel during the Panel (September 9-10)

The logistics committee has arranged for taxis to pick the participants at the Señorial Hotel to take them to IGP (venue). You do not need to pay these taxis.

Transport from/to the hotel during the Workshop (September 11-13)

A van will leave from the Señorial Hotel at 08:00 am (exact time).

The van will return to the hotel at a time to be determined.

Moving around on your own

For transport in Lima, we recommend our participants to arrange for taxis at the hotel receptiont. Or you have the option to coordinate a service by phone. Please take note of these companies:

In addition to this, public transport could be another alternative. In Lima City we have the Metropolitano (http://www.metropolitano.com.pe/) and the Metro de Lima (http://www.lineauno.pe/), Even though these still have limited routes, they allow move quickly through the city, and both have stations close to the hotel in Miraflores. Other types of public transport ("combis") are not recommended.

If for some reason you have to go on your own to IGP, please coordinate a taxi service at the hotel reception. You can give the following directions to the driver:

Instituto Geofísico del Perú*
Badajoz 169, Mayorazgo IV Etapa, Ate Vitarte.
Cerca al cruce de Av. Separadora Industrial y Av. Huarochirí
*(not to be confused with the Instituto Geográfico Nacional)


  1. Tomar toda la Av. Javier Prado hacia Santa Patricia en La Molina.
  2. En el óvalo (antes del Estadio Monumental), salir por la izquierda por la Av. Huarochirí.
  3. Seguir por Huarochirí y cruzar la Av. Separadora Industrial
  4. Tras unas dos cuadras y pasar el rompemuelles, doblar a la derecha y entrar por la tranquera
  5. Seguir por la calle Santander y doblar a la derecha en la primera, a la calle Murcia.
  6. El IGP está a la espalda del parque (donde las antenas parabólicas)

Meals, lunch and dinner information.


The hotels usually include breakfast in their prices. In the case of Señorial Hotel, they offer a breakfast buffet. Otherwise, you can try Manolo (http://www.manolochurros.com/) on Av. Larco 608.


Lunch during the meetings (Panel and Workshop) will be held in the cafeteria of IGP. The cost of each lunch is S/.10 (about US$3.5), and consists of appetizer, main course, dessert, and refreshment. The days, logistic committee has scheduled Peruvian meals. If you have any special requirements about special food (e.g. vegetarian, vegan or non-spicy), please send an email to cordexperu@gmail.com.


Dinner will be at each person's discretion, but the logistics committee can help with organization if neeeded.


Currently, Peru is living a gastronomic boom. The national cuisine has influences of the Andean, European, African and Asian, due to the various migrations that the country has experienced in the last 500 years. You can find great meals at restaurants of all types and price, including signature restaurants, traditional restaurants, fusion food, etc.

You can find some recommendations in:

For exploring, a good route is taking Larco Avenue towards the ocean, which gets you to Larcomar (http://www.larcomar.com), a mall with nice restaurants and shops overlooking the Pacific. On the other direction, Larco takes you to Parque Kennedy, with restaurants around it and carts with Peruvian snacks within. Also check out the cats.

Furthermore, the huge Mistura 2013 (www.mistura.pe) gastronomical fair will take place in Lima from September 6 to 15. This event is considered the most important of its kind in Latin-America. A documentary video showing what Mistura was like in 2010 can be seen at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkSWgt-_SLM.


The weather of Lima during September is mildy cool, with high relative humidity, cloudy and drizzly. Although temperatures are not very low (Tmin~15C, Tmax~20C, or 50F and 70F), the persistant drizzle ("garua") or fog can lead to a cooler sensation. We recommend wear lightly warm clothing during the day, and for evenings jackets o sweaters.

Below are the temperature and rainfall climatologies (1950-1991) for Callao, the main port of Lima:


Emergency numbers

In case of emergencies, you can call the following numbers:

Or call the logistics coordinator, Alejandra Martínez at 943615813.

In case of earthquakes

Peru is a seismic country and tremors or small earthquakes are common. In the case of such an event, maintain calm, as many accidents occur just because of panicked responses rather than due to the seismic events itself. Public places such as restaurants, bars, etc. have security zones identified with a letter S that you should identify as you enter and calmly go to them in case of an event. If this is not immediately possible, stay away from windows, shelfs or any object that may fall onto you.

Additional precautions

Miraflores is a relatively safe area of Lima, but precautions should be taken to minimize the risk of being victim to crime., This is a list of recommendations that can help your stay be safer and problem-free:

Updated: July 14, 2013